Monthly Archives: July 2015

Jacob Green and the Fourth of July

I hope my US readers had a pleasant 4th of July holiday. Mine involved a picnic with friends, being ambushed by water balloons, and reading the Declaration of Independence to friends and family. (I hope international readers had a pleasant 4th, too–I’m just guessing there wasn’t the same volume as fireworks involved.)

Before we leave our Independence-Day thoughts, let me link you to my monthly post at the Religion in American History blog.

I remember Independence Day by reflecting on a recent book that connects the lives of 3 men caught up in the American Revolution–Presbyterian minister Jacob Green, his son Ashbel Green, and the counterpoint Anglican priest Thomas Bradbury Chandler.

I enjoyed the book and thought many other people might enjoy it. Apparently Penn State press has moved it to paperback.

Anyway, do check out the piece.

And, to quote my children’s favorite expression of the week-end, “Happy Birthday, America!”

Rohrer Cover

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